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Calendar of Events

Association Level Activities (The following events are organised by and are for Association members only.)
1) Grading Test (Mar 10, Singapore Polytechnic)
2) Grading Test (Jul 10, Singapore Polytechnic for SP New Intake only)
3) Grading Test (Sep 10, Singapore Polytechnic)
4) Joint Training/Friendly Tournament with Affiliates of International Goju-Ryu Karate-do Renmei (Sep 10, Singapore Polytechnic)
5) Grading Test (Dec 10, Singapore Polytechnic)
6) 3rd Karate League Championship 2010 (Dec 10)

1) Association Technical Seminar (16 May 09, Singapore Polytechnic)
2) Grading Test (25 Jun 09, Singapore Polytechnic)
3) Grading Test (28 Sep 09, Singapore Polytechnic)
4) 2nd Karate League Championship 2009 (21 Nov 09, Singapore Polytechnic)
5) Grading Test (Dec 09, Singapore Polytechnic)
6) Exchange Training Programme with "All India Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei" (10 Dec 09, Singapore Polytechnic)

Non-Association Events (Note that the following events are NOT organised by Goju@BSC or by the Association. They are only listed here as reference for Goju@BSC or Association members.)

1) 1st Silent Knight Karate Cup 2010 (13 - 14 Mar 2010, Malaysia)
2) 3rd SMA International Cup 2010 (5 - 7 Jun 2010, Singapore)
3) 1st KUS Karate-Do Invitational Championships 2010 (18 Apr 2010, Delta Sports Complex)
4) 1st World Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation Championships 2010 (29 Sep - 3 Oct 2010, Portugal)
5) 3rd Asian Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation Championsships 2010 (2-4 Dec 2010, Nepal)
6) 1st KUS Karate-Do Students Championships 2010 (29 Nov 2010)

1) 2nd SMA Cup 09 (2-3 May 09, KL Malaysia)
2) 10th Malaysian Milo Schools Open Karate Championship (May 09, KL Malaysia)
3) Goju-Ryu Karate Do Association of Singapore Annual Karate Tournament 09 (14 Jun 09, Serangoon CC)
4) SKA Invitational Shitoryu Karatedo Youth Championships 09 (4 Jul 09, Jurong East Sports & Cultural Centre)
5) 29th Karate-Do Goju-Kai Singapore Annual/Invitational Championship 2009 (5 Sep 09, Bishan Community Club)
6) 1st Asian Goju-Ryu Karate Federation Championships 09 (2-7 Dec 09, Cameron Highlands Malaysia)
7) KUS Activities (For more information visit:
-- Kumite Seminar (6 Dec 09, SKA Dojo)
-- Referee Seminar (27 Nov 09, SKA Dojo)
-- 1st KUS Junior Championships (29 Nov 09)

News & Events

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Association Exchange Training Programme - All India Goju-Ryu Karate-do Renmei (10 Dec 09)

The Association had its first Association Exchange Training Programme (AETP) with the All India Goju-Ryu Karate-do Renmei (AIGKR) on 10 Dec 09 at the SP dojo.   AIGKR is headed by Ganesh Dalvi sensei, and is an affiliate of the International Goju-Karate-do Renmei (IGKR) which was founded and headed by Alvin Tan sensei.

The exchange programme comprised of mass trainining and mini-friendly tournament. Seng Chee Kiong (Association Dy Chief Instructor) conducted the mass training.   He was assisted by Frankie and Gimble senseis.

For the tounarment , there were a total of  24 participants taking part in 4 events (Childrens Individual Kata, Cadet Individual Kata,  Junior Individual Kumite and Senior Individual Kumite).  Despite their junior status and considering that the visitors were mainly black-belters, the Association managed to bag 3 GOLDS, 1 SILVER and 2 BRONZES.   The officials for the tournament included Seng Chee Kiong, Frankie Ong,  Gimble Ng, Laurent Low (from Goju@BSC), Ganesh Dalvi, Prakash Wagh, Jason Yee, Choo Jun Yu and  Kuek Siang Wei. 

Following the prize and certificate presentation, Ganesh Dalvi sensei gave short speech and thanked the Association for hosting the event.  He also presented tokens of appreciation to the Association.   This was followed by goup photo taking and light refreshements.

The Association Exchange Training Programme (AETP) provides opportunities for Association members to train, network, form new friendships and exchange ideas with practitioners from other karate-do and other martial arts groups.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nostalgia - 1st Asia-Pacific Goju-Kai Championships in 1995 and 1st World Goju-Kai Championhsips in 1993

1st Asia-Pacific Goju-Kai Championships in 1995

Our Association Instructors and Sempai posing with Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi (President, IKGA) and Shihan Hiromasa Kikuchi (Vice-President, IKGA) during the 1st Asia-Pacific Goju-Kai Karate-Do Championships held in KL in 1995.
Another  photo pose, this time with Shihan Shin Tsukii (Philipines National Coach).

1st World Goju-Kai Championships in 1993

The Association team having a lunch break  - eating out from Bento boxes. The event was held in Chiba city, Japan.
Following the competition and seminar, we had the opportunity to visit and train at a Univesity karate-do dojo  in Tokyo.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

1st KUS Junior Championship 2009 (29 Nov 09)

The Association managed to bag a Gold and a Silver in the inaugural Karate-do Union of Singapore (KUS) Junior Championships 2009 that was held at SKA Dojo on 29 Nov 09.

Several of the Association's Sensei's and Sempais also officiated in the event, after attending the KUS Referee Seminar on 27 Nov 09.

KUS Referee Seminar (27 Nov 09)

The Karate-do Union of Singapore (KUS) organised its first Referee Seminar on 27 Nov 09 for aspiring Referees & Judges. The seminar was conducted by Ang Lye Hong sensei, a qualified AKF and WKF Referee.

Members from the Association who participated in this event included Instructors - Seng Chee Kiong, Frankie Ong, Laurent Low (Goju@BSC) and Senior Grades - Jason Yee,  Tan Chun Hwee, Malcom Lim,  Kuek Siang Wei and Choo Jun Yu.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2nd Karate League Championship (21 Nov 09)

The 2nd Karate League Championship 2009 was organised by the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) and the Singapore Polytechnic Goju-Kai Karate-do Club (SPKC). The event, which was supported by the Association, was attended by participants & officials from the Honbu dojo, SPKC dojo, Gek Poh Ville CC dojo, Cavendish Park dojo, BSC dojo and from several other local karate-do clubs.

There were a total of 30 events that were catered for various age groups and grades. The events included Kihon Ido, Kata, Kumite and Team Kumite. Association officials who assisted in the event included:
  • Instructors - Alvin Tan, Seng Chee Kiong , Frankie Ong and Laurent Low(Goju@BSC).
  • Senior Grade Students - Steven Lim, Tan Chun Hwee, Jason Yee, Malcom Lim, Cheow Wee Ting, Choo Jun Yu, Kuek Siang Wei, Wang Li Zhe

Monday, September 7, 2009

29th Karate-Do Goju-Kai Singapore Championships 2009 (5 Sep 09)

Laurent sensei from Goju@BSC was invited as a Referee/Judge to officiate in this tournament (this being his fourth this year). Participants & Officials came mainly from local Goju-Ryu clubs as well as from clubs as far as Bangladesh, Indonensia, India, Philippines and Chinese Taipei.

Our Association members, considering that this was their first major competition for some, did well in this tournament, hauling in 1 Gold, 2 Silvers and 3 Bronzes.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

SKA Shito-Ryu Invitational Youth Championships (4 Jul 09)

Laurent sensei from Goju@BSC was invited as a Referee/Judge to officiate in this tournament (this being his third for the year. Visit this link and you can see a short snippet of Sensei Laurent in action). The Guest of Honor for the event was Soke Ken ei Manbuni (son of Shito-Ryu Founder, Kenwa Mabuni). Participants & Officials came mainly from Shitoryu clubs from as far as Australia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonensia, India and Singapore.

In receiving his momento from the event's Referee Council Chairman,  Con Kassis sensei (who is a member of the WKF Referee Commission) thanked Laurent sensei for his assistance and remarked: "By the way, I liked your refereeing". That was really the highlight of the day for  Laurent sensei - a positive affirmation on his ability as a karate referee/judge.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Results from Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association of Singapore Annual Tournament (14 Jun 09)

Our Association took part in the Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association of Singapore Annual Tournament 2009 held at Serangoon Community Club on 14 Jun 09. Though it was a club level event, the tournament however brought together Goju-Ryu participants from the various main stream Goju-Ryu associations in Singapore, and allowed them to interact and learn from each other.

The Association managed to clinch a Silver and Bronze in the Men's Open Kumite division. Two of our ladies also took part in the Ladies Open Kumite division but could not secure any medals. Laurent sensei from Goju@BSC dojo was one of the Association's officials invited to officiate as Referee/Judge in this tournament.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Association Training Seminar (16 May 09)

The Association organised a half-day Training Seminar on 16 May 09 from 9am - 4.30pm. The purpose of the event was to foster greater interactions between the different dojos and for members to acquire new knowledge in other forms of martial art. The seminar was attended by students from the Singapore Polytechnic, Cavendish Park, Gek Poh Ville CC and Blessed Sacrament Church dojos.

In the morning, Mr Dean Williams conducted Brazilian Ju-Jitsu , which was then followed by Yoga conducted by Ms Kat Tan. In the afternoon, Seng Chee Kiong sensei and Laurent Low sensei conducted the karate-do training. The main focus of the training was on arm & leg conditioningon and developing good footwork for kumite.

Certificates of Partipation (and little packets of lollies!) were presented at end of the seminar to the particpants.

"To God be the Glory"

Monday, May 4, 2009

2nd SMA Cup 09 (2 - 3 May 2009)

 The 2nd SMA Cup 09 was held in Kuala Lumpur from 2-3 May 09. There were about 400+ competitors and officials from 8 countries - Malaysia, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Uzbekistan, Nepal, Blangadesh and Singapore. The 1st SMA Cup 08 was held in Singapore in Sep 08, and Sensei Laurent was a member of the Organising Committee.

The Singapore contingent, known as Team Lion had sent 49 participants and officials (38 Players, 3 Managers, 4 Coaches, 4 Referees/Judges). Team Lion managed to clinch 3 Bronzes and it was good showing considering that the level of competition was relatively high and several of the participants were quite junior.

Laurent sensei, from Goju@BSC dojo was one of the 4 Referees/Judges present for the 2-day competition. It was an excellent learning experience for Laurent sensei as he had many opportunities to officiate as both Kata Judge and Kumite Referee & Judge over the 2 days.

Monday, April 27, 2009

2nd SMA Cup 09 - Team Lion Joint Training Sessions

On invitation from International Business Strategies Pte Ltd (IBS) to form a composite team representing IBS in the 2nd SMA Cup 09 (held in KL from 2 - 3 May 09),  Laurent sensei from Goju@BSC signed up as an Refereeing Official.

The composite team was called Team Lion , and it comprised of members from four local karate-do associations namely KGS, Hayashi-Ha, Goju-Ryu Karate-do Association and Goju-Ryu Karate-do Seiwa-Kai (Singapore), who had accepted IBS invitation to particpate.

To prepare for the tournament, Team Lion came together for Joint Training Sessions that were held on 30 Mar, 18 Apr and 27 Apr 09. The training sessions were taken by instructors and sempais from the four participating associations. Besides the technical preparation, the sessions aimed to also build friendship, commaderie and cohesiveness among participants from the various dojos.